#FitReaders: Weekly Check-in January 1


#FitReaders is hosted by Geeky Bloggers Book Blog  and That’s What I’m Talking About


So, at the beginning of December, I challenged myself to do 10,000 steps everyday…and I did pretty well with that goal. I ended up getting that many steps 28 out of the 31 days…not too shabby!!! Of course, I realized a few things in setting that goal – as long as I go to the gym in the morning or do a 3+ mile walk, hitting that target is easy to do each day without having to pace around my house at the end of the night trying to get those last few steps in. The other thing and this is a little more startling, is that I tend to focus more on getting those steps in and not so much on anything else exercise-wise. I don’t really do any strength training or stretching…and I really need to work on that…hence my word of the year: BALANCE!!! 

I’m going to be taking some time this month to figure out a good plan for myself strength training/stretching-wise.  I enjoy yoga and might try to incorporate that as well as some body weight exercises into a fitness regiment that will work for me. I just bought Jenna Wolfe’s new book “Thinner in 30” and while I’m not necessarily looking to lose a ton of weight, I do like a lot of the tips she has in the book and I admit, I am a huge fan of hers. She also includes some great exercises in the book, so I’m going to start with that book and that also take a look at the ton of exercises I have pinned on my Pinterest fitness/yoga boards. I still plan on walking – in fact, one of the tips that Jenna does include is getting those 10k steps in – I just need to make sure that isn’t the only thing I focus on!

So, January is going to be a transition month for me…and the first few days out the gate might be a little light for me as I figure things out, but I’m ok with that! I am, though, super excited for the virtual 5k/10k race series that Felicia and Jen have organized…I had been doing at least 1 5k a week on the treadmill at the gym (walking but still!)  but now I’m excited to try to find some real ones to do…


Here’s how my week of went: 


Dec 26:  10,104 steps
Dec 27:  11,637 steps
Dec 28:  10,778 steps

Dec 29:  10,565 steps
Dec 30:  10,141 steps

Dec 31:  10,671 steps

Jan  1:  5,834 steps 


Audiobooks listened to this week: 

  • Finished Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave, narrated by Joy Osmanski
  • Started The Storm Sister by Lucinda Riley, narrated by Noreen Leighton, Rachel Lincoln

How did your week go? You can find this week’s link-up here.



  1. Trish @ Between My Lines
    January 3, 2016 / 5:13 pm

    Wow, you did great in Dec. I love stretching so I usually make time for that, strength training not so much. I am trying harder with that this year though.
    The virtual races sound fun. I'm keen to join in those too 🙂

  2. westmetromommy
    January 3, 2016 / 7:46 pm

    Oh, I need to figure out strength training plan, too. I don't especially *like* strength training, which makes it harder. I just want someone to tel me what to do–and they had better not tell me to do dips or pushups! I HATE those!

  3. Kay
    January 3, 2016 / 8:17 pm

    Good for you and I think that strength training is very important, as is stretching/meditation type work – like yoga. Balance is a great word for the year.

  4. Christina T
    January 4, 2016 / 2:23 am

    Great job with your fitness goals! That is seriously impressive! It is so hard for me to get those 10,000 steps in. I did have to pace around my apartment. Glad I'm not the only one who does that 🙂

    I will have to check that book out. I really want to try to get fit this year. I am thinking of buying some light weights to use during my walking workout. My muscles could definitely use some toning too. I do a little stretching at the end of the workout but I don't think it's enough. I'd love to learn yoga but I have a balance problem so I'd probably topple over and break something 🙂

    Good luck with the virtual race!

  5. Jen Twimom
    January 10, 2016 / 5:41 pm

    Great job getting in 28 10,000 step days!! I'm so behind – look it is Jan. 10 already! Hope you had a good start to the new year!