FIR ’11: Reading Question #6 & #7


FIR is hosted by Katrina atCallapidderdays.

Every Wednesday this fall, Katrina will be posting a question about reading. I wasn’t able to get to this last week, so I am including my answers to both questions plus the bonus question that Katrina included this week.

Last week’s question: When it comes to fiction, are you more of a “plot person” or a “character person”? If you had to choose, which concept would win out when it comes to picking and loving a book: plot or character?


I have to say that I am probably more of a” plot person” than a “character person” if I had to choose and based on what I tend to read. I do feel that both really contribute to the overall effectiveness of the book, but I can usually still get into a book with a really good plot despite having less than stellar characters. That is not to say, of course, that I don’t enjoy character-driven books – I’ve read quite a few that have been all character and completely lacking in the plot area. But overall, I would say plot wins out!



This week’s question:Is there a book that has had a tremendous impact on your life? One that made you look at life in a whole new way, or caused you to completely change in your life?


This is a tough one…I guess if I had to choose one it would be Reading Lolita in Tehran. I read this last year for my book club and I often find myself thinking about it…about how we often take for granted our freedoms and rights and how literature can have a profound impact on our lives.


What about you? What book has changed your life in some way?

Now for the bonus question…

How is your Fall Into Reading coming along? Are you on track? Ahead of schedule? Falling behind?

I am doing pretty well with this challenge. I put 25 books on my initial list and so far I have completed 13, have started book 14 and have read 6 books not on my list. With six weeks to go, I think I should be able to get through the remaining 12 books on my list. I do have at least two other books not on my list that I need to read before the end of this challenge, but I don’t think that will alter my plans too much.

What about you? If you are participating in this challenge, how are you doing?




  1. Nise'
    November 9, 2011 / 6:26 pm

    I put 34 books on my list and have read 31 so far!

  2. Kristin
    November 10, 2011 / 12:00 am

    @Nise' Wow…that's pretty impressive!