Reading Goals/Challenges 2019


This year, I am going to make sure I take the time to read more of what I want to read. I wouldn’t say I’m a mood reader per say, but I don’t want to get too bogged down by reading just one genre anymore. I love thrillers and psychological suspense, but when I pick up historical fiction every once in a while, I remember just how much I love that genre as well. I need to branch out more. 

I also want to take the time to read some of the backlog of review books I already have sitting on my shelves…so I will be extremely selective with those review books I do decide to take on this year…not that I don’t love getting all the new shiny ARCs, but there is only so much time to get them read…and there is always the library. 


year, I’ve decided to officially join 2 challenges, which is more
about reading goals than anything else. 

The first challenge is one I participated in last year and had great success with, #TheUnReadShelfProject2019,  where
I hope to read more of the books I have already sitting on my shelf. This is hosted by Whitney at @theunreadshelf. By the end of 2018, I had managed to get my unread shelf down to under 200 books…to 186 to be exact and I started at 260! So I am quite confident that I can continue this momentum moving forward.

For me, I am only counting books that I have purchased or books that have been given to me as gifts or books I have won in giveaways. I am not counting review books in this number, nor am I counting e-books or audiobooks. These are just the print books taking up space on my bookshelves.


While there are no hard-set rules with this, I have given myself some guidelines:

  • Read more of my own books
    – I am not setting a specific number, because then I am destined to
    fail. I am just going to make more of a conscious effort to read my own
  • Try to limit book buying – I am not banning myself from buying new books, rather I am going to be more mindful of what I buy. 
  • Revisit my list of unread books and determine if I still want to even read them
    – it is quite possible that some of the books I have sitting on my
    shelf are no longer of interest to me…reading tastes do change after

The other challenge that I am participating in is the #ThrillerThursdayChallenge, which is hosted by @ThrillerThursday. There are monthly prompts and you pick a thriller that fits each of the prompts. I think this will be fun, but challenging for some months!

Are you participating in any challenges this year? Are you participating in either of these challenges?

Happy 2019! Hope it’s filled with lots of great reads 🙂



  1. Kathryn T
    January 2, 2019 / 6:24 pm


  2. Katherine P
    January 2, 2019 / 8:46 pm

    Good luck! I like the sound of both challenges. I desperately need a push to read more from my own shelf and I love all the different thriller challenges.