Review: The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen

Title: The Wife Between Us

Author: Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen

Published: January 2018, St. Martin’s Press

Format: ARC Paperback, 352 pages

Source: Publisher


A novel of suspense that explores the complexities of marriage and the dangerous truths we ignore in the name of love.
When you read this book, you will make many assumptions.
You will assume you are reading about a jealous wife and her obsession with her replacement.
You will assume you are reading about a woman about to enter a new marriage with the man she loves.
You will assume the first wife was a disaster and that the husband was well rid of her.
You will assume you know the motives, the history, the anatomy of the relationships.
Assume nothing.

My thoughts: This is one of those books that I was desperate to get my hands on when I was at BookExpo and I was ecstatic that I was able to…just the summary alone had me hooked! But, let me tell you – this is probably one of those books where the less you know going in, the better. You really want to experience this one without any spoilers – go into it as blind as you can. 

I loved every minute of my reading experience with this book. It was pure heaven and I don’t say that with many books…but this one…OMG – it just got me. It truly is domestic suspense at it’s best. Every single time I thought I knew what was going on – something would happen and my thinking would shift. It was like everything would get turned upside down. Nothing is as it seems in this book – and that is the best part of it. You really cannot assume you have it figured out, because you definitely won’t.

This is such a multi-layered, multi-faceted story that just sucks you in and toys with you. It plays with your mind, it plays with your emotions and every time you feel a certain way about a character, every time you think you have all the pieces put together – something is revealed to mix it all up. It is so cleverly crafted and the characters are just fascinating and intriguing. I loved every single minute of it and I can’t wait to read more from this dynamic duo!



  1. Katherine P
    January 9, 2018 / 4:45 pm

    I won this in a giveaway a few weeks ago and I’m super excited about it! It looks great!

  2. Kay
    January 9, 2018 / 4:52 pm

    I've got an advance copy on my Kindle and am dying to pick it up right now. However, I will wait until I at least finish a couple of books that I'm reading right now. Good to hear that it's worthwhile.

  3. techeditor
    January 10, 2018 / 3:31 am

    I read this book, too, and I had the same reaction to it as you did.

    Although it does describe a love triangle, it doesn't exactly. It seems the ex-wife is stalking and terrorizing the girlfriend, but then it doesn't.

    No one in this book is as they first seem. It will feel like you are constantly having to revise your understanding of people and events. As a matter of fact, halfway through the book you may want to stop and reread everything you have read so far.

    I won an ARC of this book from St. Martin's Press.