Review: Cat & Jemima J by Jane Green

Title: Cat & Jemima J   

Author: Jane Green          

Published: May 2015, St. Martin’s Press   

Format: E-book, 31 pages   

Source: Personal copy  

From New York Times bestselling author Jane Green comes an original short story featuring Jemima, the main character from Green’s beloved novel Jemima J, and Cat, the main character from her upcoming novel Summer Secrets.

My thoughts: When I saw that this short story was being published, I had to read it…Jemima J was what started my love affair with Jane Green and her novels so many years ago! In fact, I often think about going back and rereading, or even listening to, Jemima J again because it has been so many years since I read it and I remember loving it so much. 

So, this novella is incredibly short at only 31 pages, but it does introduce us to Cat, the main character in Jane Green’s upcoming new novel, Summer Secrets and lets us see Jemima J again. They have a chance meeting in a bar and forge a friendship and then it ends…not quite suddenly, but a bit open-endedly. Does this mean there is more to come between these two?  Does this mean we are to get another Jemima J book? Oh, how I would love that!!!

I love reading these short stories that authors write before their novels come out. They aren’t critical to read before reading the novel, but just give us a little introduction to a character or the setting of the main book. In this case, we get a glimpse into Cat’s life and get to see a beloved character from a previous book, but it’s not necessary to read this novella in order to enjoy Summer Secrets. It’s mainly just a little teaser to get you excited for the book.




  1. Melissa
    July 8, 2015 / 2:36 pm

    I agree about it being open ended. I'd love to know more of what Jemima is up to these days.

  2. DeniseF
    July 8, 2015 / 2:40 pm

    I'm going to have to read this. I LOVED Jemima J.