Book Blog Walkers: Weekly Check-in September 5


#BookBlogWalkers is hosted by Felicia @ The Geeky Bloggers Book Blog

I’m slowly getting myself back on a regular schedule with my walking. I always feel so much better when I get my walking in each day. Plus, I’m determined that for this month, in addition to doing my regular fitness walks (which I list below) I get an overall 10,000 steps in a day 5 days a week and 5,000 steps in on the weekend.


Here’s how my week went:  

Aug 30:  rest
Aug 31:  rest
Sep  1:  45 minutes
Sep  2:  45 minutes

Sep  3:  45 minutes
Sep  4:  45 minutes

Sep  5:  45 minutes

How did your week go?



  1. Suko
    September 5, 2014 / 11:47 pm

    Keep up the good work, Kristin! 🙂

  2. Unknown
    September 5, 2014 / 11:59 pm

    good job!

  3. Kathryn T
    September 6, 2014 / 3:53 am

    You are an inspiration. I usually take rest days in the week, when I come home tired from work!

  4. Unknown
    September 6, 2014 / 3:56 am

    Great job! That's a good goal for steps. I really need to leave my desk more during the week, otherwise I barely make to 5,000 steps. Have a great week!

  5. Blodeuedd
    September 7, 2014 / 2:59 pm

    Keep it up 😀

  6. Teddyree
    September 8, 2014 / 2:50 pm

    Well done Kristin and good step goals. I love that the fitbit makes me aware of how few steps I do on big blogging days … I'm working on that and getting 8000 steps in each day