2014 Goals for Reading/Blogging/Life in General

I did this last year, and it helped me
set myself up for the upcoming year. I think this will be a fixed
feature on January 1 of each year I blog.

of my resolutions for 2014 is to be
more organized – in life and in blogging. I need to get back to using my blogger planner. Between the holidays and the new
that kind of fell to the wayside, but I plan on going back to using it.

Reading Goals:

* This is going to be the year I read my own books…as of Jan 1 I
have 244 unread books sitting on my shelves and 92 unread e-books on my
iPad. While I will still be participating in blog tours and accepting
review books, I will be more selective as to those I agree to take on. I
would really like the number of unread books I own to be considerably down by the end of the

* For those review books I do agree to take on that have a
set review date, I am going to try to read ahead of schedule. This past
year I found myself reading them at the last minute and feeling a bit
frantic writing up the review – no more of that!!!

Blogging Goals:

* Organized…I need and want to be more together this year. I have
my blog planner/calendar and am going to try to be better at scheduling
things ahead of time. Some of this goes hand in hand with making sure
books that need to be read by a certain date are read in a more timely

* I want to try to branch out more with different types of posts –
this is still a book blog and will continue to remain so, but rather
than always just reviews and giveaways, I’d like to do more feature
posts and excerpts, even more author interviews and even more discussion
posts relating to all things bookish.

Commenting – I am hoping to be more present in the blogosphere again. I
feel as if these past few months has been all about reading and getting
my posts up and I’ve lost a bit of the sense of community from
blogging. My goal is to visit at least 5-10 blogs that I follow per day –
I think this is manageable!

Bookish Events:
* I am hoping to attend more book events this year, including BEA – my first time going!!!
I also hope to continue attending as many author events that are near
me as I can – I so enjoy going to them and getting to know those authors
I love to read on a more personal level.



* I am training to walk my first 1/2 marathon and am super excited…my eventual goal is to walk a full marathon. 

* I also plan to continue to participate with the #BookBlogWalkers group that Felicia over at The Geeky Bloggers Book Blog has started…it’s fun having a group you report back to (even virtually) to hold you accountable for your fitness goals!!!

* I hope to get back to my yoga practice on a more regular basis. 

have really come to enjoy blogging and look forward to this upcoming
year. Have you created any reading or blogging goals for the year?



  1. Chrystal
    January 1, 2014 / 11:51 pm

    I love all of your goals. I have a lot of the same ideas for this year as well. And I think I'm going to check out the Book Blog Walkers link you have there. I need to get more active this year. 🙂

    Looks like a great start to 2014!

  2. Mary (Bookfan)
    January 2, 2014 / 2:46 am

    You have some great goals for the coming year. How exciting to go to BEA!! I love the fitness goals too. Happy New Year, Kristin.

  3. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
    January 2, 2014 / 2:55 am

    It is hard to find a good balance between reading, blogging, and visiting other blogs. Good for you. I like your goals.

  4. Kathryn T
    January 2, 2014 / 3:31 am

    Great goals, I already admire your organisation, so to develop it further is awesome. I have not counted up the number of books I have sitting on my shelf unread! Or on my Kindle! Lots though. I don't have same difficulty with reviews because just have a few from NetGalley and I tend to only choose what I can bite off.
    Have a great reading year.

  5. Anonymous
    January 2, 2014 / 6:28 am

    I love your goals they are really well thought out. I share one with you which is to reduce the number of unread books I own! Really I would like a way to invent more time so I can read everything I want to but…. Happy New Year!

  6. Unknown
    January 2, 2014 / 2:49 pm

    These are great goals and a good idea for a standing Jan. 1 blog entry. Every year I tell myself I'm going to be more organized and every year I feel like I fall a little short. However, the best way to succeed is to have a plan and it sounds like you have that covered! Best of luck!!

  7. Unknown
    January 2, 2014 / 7:54 pm

    ^5 We will totally tackle this year of Walking with a Purpose! We can do it! We will keep each other on track 🙂

    Oh and I totally will be reading my own books LOL

  8. Ashley Montgomery
    January 3, 2014 / 5:18 am

    Awesome goals! I need to be more social as well. I'm also looking forward to participating in the Book Blog Walkers too. Happy New Year!