FIR ’11: Reading Question #8


FIR is hosted by Katrina atCallapidderdays.

Every Wednesday this fall, Katrina will be posting a question about reading.

This week’s question: Where do you love to read? Do you have a favorite chair, a favorite room, a favorite place…somewhere that inspires you to put everything else aside and pick up a book?


I have to  say that I can read just about anywhere…the car, at doctor’s appointments, in the kitchen while waiting for water to boil…but I do have my absolute favorite places that I love to go to read.


  • Our front porch: One of my favorite aspects of our new house is the enclosed front porch. I was able to find comfy furniture to put out there and I love sitting there and reading. I am hoping that I will be able to read out there even in the winter – might have to invest in a space heater, but I do have quite a few throws out there to put on when it’s chilly.

  • Our couch: The couch we have in the living room is super comfy and I love to sit there and read. We have an ottoman that I can put my feet on and I always have blankets around to wrap myself in if needed. Maddie, my chocolate lab, loves to sit with me all curled up while I read.

  • Outside: We belong to a boat club and while my husband goes out and races Sunday afternoons from May to October. I love nothing better than sitting on one of the rocking chairs on the porch. There is always a lovely breeze and the view overlooking the Hudson (and the racing) is spectacular!

  • My bed: I read before bed every night…it’s usually the only way I am able to turn off my mind so I can sleep. My husband, also an avid reader, will usually read before bed, too, but I am the one that can stay up late into the night reading, especially if it’s a really good book!

 Those are my absolute favorite places to read…what about you? Where do you love to read?




  1. Jane Cook
    November 17, 2011 / 3:43 am

    My favorite place to read is the Serenity deck on a Carnival cruise ship!! However, since that's not practical for every day, I settle for my recliner, with a neck pillow, and a couple other pillows propped around me, and my cat drapped over me somewhere.

  2. Suko
    November 17, 2011 / 5:42 am

    Each of your spots sounds grand (my apologies to Holden C. for using the word grand). We have a small couch that is perfect for reading, with the cats and dog nearby. It's so cozy and conducive to reading!

  3. Ruby Jo @ Bookishly Ruby
    November 17, 2011 / 3:26 pm

    I love reading in rocking chairs too! I also think one of the best places for reading is the bed. It's just so comfy!