I’m back…

I am finally back home after two and a half weeks of traveling. I did manage to get some reading in – not as much as I had hoped, but I was visiting family and spent a lot of time catching up with my mom. I have lots of reviews to get out and will be holding a new contest soon. Thanks for sticking around!!!



  1. Bonnie
    August 3, 2011 / 8:52 pm

    Welcome back! I hope you are feeling rested and recharged!

  2. Kristin
    August 3, 2011 / 9:24 pm

    @Bonnie Thanks Bonnie…despite spending an enormous amount of the time driving all over the place – from New York up to Halifax, Canada, to New Hampshire to North Carolina and then back to New York – I did have fun and it was relaxing…it's always great being with family!