Review: Get Lucky by Katherine Center

First line: First: I got fired.

From the back cover: Sarah Harper isn’t sure if the stupid decisions she sometimes makes are good choices in disguise – or if they’re really just stupid. But either way, after forwarding an inappropriate email to her entire company, she suddenly finds herself out of a job.

So she goes home to Houston – and her sister, Mackie – for Thanksgiving. But before Sarah can share her troubles with her sister, she learns that Mackie has some woes of her own: After years of trying, Mackie’s given up on having a baby – and plans to sell on eBay the entire nursery she’s set up. Which gives Sarah a brilliant idea – an idea that could fix everyone’s problems. An idea that gives Sarah the chance to take care of her big sister for once – instead of the other way around.

But nothing worthwhile is ever easy. After a decade away, Sarah is forced to confront one ghost from her past after another: the father she’s lost touch with, the memories of her mother, the sweet guy she dumped horribly in high school. Soon everything that matters is on the line – and Sarah can only hope that by changing her life she has changed her luck, too.

My thoughts: This is the second book I’ve read by Katherine Center and I was not disappointed. This time the focus is on the love between sisters and the love of one’s self. It is a poignant story of two sisters who are each other’s best friends by distance and learn to rework their relationship and individual lives when they are suddenly living together. The main characters are dynamic and believable and the supporting characters are quirkly and provide comic relief. It was another quick read and I have come to really enjoy Katherine Center’s writing. Her characters stay with you long after you read that last page.

(I borrowed this book from the library.)
